Innovation Board

The Bluegrass Workforce Innovation Board (BGWIB) is made up of high-ranking professionals, labor representatives, community organizations, and state partners. All members of the BGWIB are appointed by the Executive Committee of the Governing Board of Local Elected Officials.
The purpose of the BGWIB is to provide guidance and oversight of the workforce under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) for the Bluegrass area.
Members: 19
Meetings: 4 per year
The BGWIB is facilitated by the Department for Workforce Services.
Chair of this committee is Jon Dougherty, Amteck.
Vice-Chair of this committee is Dolly Hollan.
2025 Dates:
March 5th | June 5th | September 10th | December 3rd
All meetings will take place at 10:00 a.m. unless otherwise noted.
Hybrid meetings, physical location is 2473 Fortune Drive, Suite 180 in Lexington.
Please contact the staff member above for location information.
View additional information including meeting link at:
- NameRepresentingPaula NolandBusiness/ManufacturingMatt MontgomeryBusiness/ITDaniel KingBusiness/Finance/Small BusinessDanita EcklerBusiness/ManufacturingDolly HollanBusiness/HealthcareJon DoughertyBusiness/ConstructionMicha DrakeBusiness/ManufacturingTiffany WallsBusiness/ManufacturingPam HatcherBusiness/HealthcareStacey ThurmanBusiness/ManufacturingDebbie LinkWorkforce/CBOMichael LegerWorkforce/Organized LaborDarlene ThomasWorkforce/CBOChristian WellmanWorkforce/Organized LaborErin Tipton, EdDEducation/Higher EduDavid Sturgill, M.A.Education/Adult EduConnie SchnellGovernment/One-StopsRyan HensonGovernment/VocRehabDonna AngelEconomic Development