Grant Writing &

BGADD staff are well-versed in a variety of funding sources and their appropriate uses. The BGADD provides application and submission assistance free of charge.
BGADD can assist with project development and administration utilizing grant funds such as:
Community Development Block Grants (CDBG)
Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC)
Multimodal Transportation Enhancement
Area Development Fund
Land & Water Conservation
Recreational Trails
Rails to Trails
U. S. Department of Justice
Homeland Security
Federal Emergency Management Agency
KY Department of Agriculture
KY Infrastructure Authority
U.S. Economic Development Administration
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
Types of grant fundable projects include:
Infrastructure, water & wastewater lines, treatment plants, etc.
Job creation/retention
Assistance to new or existing industry
Senior Citizens Center and Health Department Construction
Financial assistance to local governments in times of a declared emergency
Financial assistance to new or existing industry
Projects directly related to the various modes of surface transportation
Recreational parks & trails
Substance Abuse Prevention
Assistance and equipment to First Responders
Flood prevention infrastructure