As a job seeker, you must determine the careers available, your interests, and the skills you have or need to secure the career you want. There are numerous resources available to assist you in your journey, as well as provide guidance while you learn about your options and gain suitable employment.
Career Planning
Employability classes are offered online and in person. Contact your local Kentucky Career Center - Bluegrass, Adult Education, or Public Library for the next available in your area or to schedule an online workshop.
Classes & Workshops
The Kentucky Career Center - Bluegrass is dedicated to expanding the knowledge of today’s workforce toward financial responsibility and to ensuring you are prepared to succeed in the economic future. Workshops are presented on various topics including budgeting, direct deposit, personal saving, investing, etc. These workshops are presented by various financial experts throughout the Bluegrass area.
Financial Literacy
These services are intended to allow you to improve your general skills, knowledge, and work habits necessary for successful employment. They also give you hands-on experience to gain occupational skills in a career setting and allows you to explore a career opportunity. Most importantly, they allow you to gain valuable experience and accomplishments to add to your resume and create the potential for a full-time job offer at the end of your placement based on overall performance.
Internships and Work Experience
In an effort to ensure you have the skills to meet the ongoing needs of businesses in the Bluegrass area’s labor market, the Kentucky Career Center - Bluegrass has identified targeted industry sectors where training may provide you with the additional help you need to secure a career. Those high-demand sectors include Advanced Manufacturing, Childcare/Education, Construction, Healthcare, Information Technology, Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics. Kentucky Career Center - Bluegrass Occupational Skills Training Assistance Program can provide financial assistance toward the cost of tuition, books, or other supportive services for up to two (2) years if you are eligible and wish to pursue training to enter one of these high-demand fields.
Occupational Skills Training Assistance
On-the-Job-Training or OJT is job training that occurs in the workplace. Its purpose is to train and orient you as a new employee within a company. It is very important not only to learn about your chosen career but allow you time to learn the culture of the company.
On-the-Job Training
Transitions to Transformation or T2T is designed to assist job seekers who have the most challenging barriers to employment. This service focuses on individuals in recovery, individuals with disabilities, veterans, older workers, re-entry, immigrant workers, individuals with limited English proficiency, or entry-level workers who need basic skills training, by providing them with a work experience for up to 480 hours.
Re-entry Services (Transitions 2 Transformation)
Supportive services are available to help overcome obstacles while gaining and maintaining long-term employment, these services include but are not limited to: linkages to community services, assistance with transportation, assistance with childcare and dependent care, assistance with educational testing, assistance with uniforms or other appropriate work attire, assistance with textbooks or testing materials, etc. Supportive services are available on a case-by-case basis and as funding allows.
Supportive Services
Assistance in creating a resume that highlights the skills learned while in the military in a way an employer can understand. Prepare Veterans for interviewing for positions that suit their skills. Help with getting a new ID or SS card. Connect with other services in the area, such as childcare, housing, and transportation assistance. Provide up to $10,000 for training to earn certifications to become more suitably employed. Placement in a paid work experience for up to 480 hours. Up to $1,500 in funding will be available for needed items related to employment, such as work clothing, tools, uniforms, transportation assistance, or other supportive services.