Regional Transportation Planner David Gambrel attended the National Regional Transportation Conference in downtown Greenville, South Carolina July 30 through August 1.
The conference brought together transportation professionals from across the county to network and receive training and information on a variety of transportation-related topics. Ian
Cole, RTP for Lake Cumberland ADD and Jeff Thelen, RTP for Northern Kentucky ADD were also in attendance.
David attended the following workshops and events:
• Regional Rural and Small Metro Transportation: Federal Program Updates
• USDOT Rural Resources, Funding, and Technical Assistance Opportunities
• Communicate with Impact
• Mobile Workshop: Pedestrian and Bicycle Infrastructure Walking Tour
• This was a two-hour walking tour of the Swamp Rabbit Trail, a multi-use trail in the heart of Greenville.
The trail largely follows the bed of the former railroad by the same name. The tour covered three miles of the trail, which is 19.9 miles in all and begins at Greenville Technical College, crosses through the city, Falls Park, Unity Park, and Furman University.
• Safety Analysis Practices and Safety Action Planning for Rural Areas
• Transportation and Innovation
• Communication and Public Outreach to Support Bike/Ped Planning
• Bike/Ped Data Collection
• Challenges and Opportunities in Regional Transit and Mobility
Image 1: David paused on the two-hour walking tour of the Swamp Rabbit Trail to capture this picture on the Liberty Bridge. The waterfall on the Reedy River is in the background.
Image 2: The Swamp Rabbit Trail connects with Unity Park in Greenville. The park has picnic shelters and features a splash pad.
Image 3: The Swamp Rabbit Trail connects with Unity Park in Greenville. The park has picnic shelters and features a splash pad.
Image 4: Thanks to a public/private partnership users on the Swamp Rabbit Trail can rent E-bikes to explore the multi-use trail.
Image 5: Regional Transportation Planners David Gambrel (left), BGADD and Jeff Thelen (NKADD) took in several workshops together at the National Regional Transportation Conference.